Breast Implants
Reshaping Yourself
Breast Implants will enlarge and reshape your breasts. The intended result is a size and shape that will make you feel comfortable and confident, fits your body in a natural way, and ultimately improves your appearance.
Today, there are many new implant options that are extremely safe and very durable. During your consultation, Dr. White can discuss your personal needs with you and help you find the best solution for the size you want.
Breasts that are More Attractive
Whatever your starting point may be, you know that you want larger, fuller, and more attractive breasts. Board Certified Myrtle Beach Breast Augmentation Surgeon, Dr. Steven White will start by finding out what you consider to be the most attractive size and shape for breasts, and then help you determine how best to reach your perfect size and shape.
You will likely feel more confident after the surgery, and find yourself enjoying activities like shopping for clothing and spending time on the beach more than ever before!
Breasts that Fit your Body More Comfortably
Your boyfriend or husband may be lobbying for a size DD, but you need to be sure that you will be comfortable with the breasts that you choose. Implants that are too large can look and feel unnatural, and you may find them difficult to live with on a daily basis. As difficult as it is to find clothing for a very small chest, it can also be a challenge to find clothing that fits larger breasts.
Dr. White will help you confidently decide on an implant size that will look and feel natural and comfortable on your body.
Considering Breast Implants?
Maybe you just want larger breasts – guess what, you are not alone! This is the #1 reason that women decide to have breast implant surgery. If you feel that you would be happier and more full of life with larger breasts, Myrtle Beach Plastic Surgeon Dr. Steven White can help you decide on the best size that will give you the figure that you are dreaming of.
If your breasts are asymmetrical, or unbalanced, you may want to have a breast augmentation to balance your breasts. Breast symmetry will make it easier to find clothes that fit and to help you feel better about your body. No matter if it is a swimsuit or your wedding gown, having breasts that are more symmetrical will give you more confidence!
After pregnancy and/or nursing, you may notice that your breasts have lost volume, that the skin is not as taught. Your breasts may just seem saggy, less round, and not as full as before. For some people, this is one of the biggest disappointments after having children.
You may want breast enhancement as part of a Mommy Makeover which is a combination of procedures that Dr. White can use to help restore your body to it’s pre-pregnancy state. A Mommy Makeover may include a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift, or other procedure, as well as breast implants.
Weight Loss
Weight loss can cause significant changes to the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. If you have lost a lot of weight and your breasts are deflated, breast augmentation surgery can help you to gain the shape that you desire.